Text and artistic direction Olivier Choinière
Directed by Mélanie Demers, Alix Dufresne, Justin Laramée and Marie-Ève Milot
Performed by Olivier Aubin, Angie Cheng, Maxime-Olivier Potvin, Elisabeth Sirois
Assistant director Stéphanie Capistran-Lalonde
Sound design Jean-Sébastien Durocher
Larsen Lupine Remixes and Blooms
Musical composition Eric Forget
Alexandre Burton digital violin maker
Costumes Elen Ewing assisted by Fanny McCrae
Accessories Angela Rassenti
Make-up and hairstyle Justine Denoncourt-Bélanger
Production manager Annie Lalande
Régie Jacinthe Nepveu
Dressers Ximena Pinilla and Joanna Gourdin
Coordination of rentals, equipment and locations Josiane Lapointe
Communications Isabelle Mandalian
Press relations Daniel Meyer
Photographer Charles Lafrance
Graphics The Earthquake